a) Review the concepts used for assembling and designin […]
Regardless of the concept in question, the design of a fluid and consistent scheme in loads per operator, who inserts quality components to reach expected product or byproduct, is essential.
Efforts should be made to walk distances are minimal, so that the product goes to the operator and not vice versa. Most of the time, for this use, AGC systems are utilized; trying to execute operation always in an ergonomic way and it is endowed with the right devices for handling. For example, in the automotive parts industry it is very common the implementation of VLM (Shuttle) systems which facilitate such operations.
There are various methods of balancing workloads simply do whatever it takes for asset standard times with quality and safety.
If the assembly line is very efficient, but the technical elements of rolling are not included, it ends up being an ineffective line. You must ensure, in coordination with industrial engineering, the favorable rates to achieve a harmonious whole. To achieve this, remember that you can count on IT tools and MES to handle all the logistics inside effectively and efficiently.
It can also happen that some machines become deteriorated and become a habit to do things at a slower pace, instead of fixing the root problem. What is recommended in these cases is to analyze and compare the times of the various processes with preset times or international ones. What you do not measure, you cannot control.
The concept of quality build is more relevant than control it. With well aware and staff knowledgeable of measures by standards, it will be seen clear increases in productivity and quality. So remember to provide the security, protection and comfort that requires your staff.